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Board of Directors & Advisors

Cedric and Lora Williams

Cedric and Lora Williams, R.N., understand the importance of adult education with workforce skills. Lora started as a Certified Nursing Assistant (C.N.A.) at the age of 16 in San Marcos Texas. Cedric completed his H.V.A.C. certification in 1997 in San Marcos Texas. Accomplishing their certification in their respective industries opened doors of opportunity that would ultimately enable them to remove  barriers of poverty. The vision of T.T.P . is to equip individuals and their families with the tools, support and skills that can lift them out of the cycle of poverty; and ultimately position them for sustainable change.  

Lori Rhodes

Founded Rhodes Enterprises & Esperanza Homes with Mike Rhodes in 1990 with the purchase of their first investment property.

Has been involved in most areas of the business throughout its existence including acquisition, design, product development/quality, customer relations, marketing, and management. While no longer involved in the day-to-day operations she stays active in the role she has always enjoyed most – encouraging and supporting the Rhodes team and vision.

Currently sits on advocacy boards including Chicktime, New Life Children’s Center, The Nature Conservancy, and is a past board member of IDEA Public Schools.

Cathy White

Cathy White has a BSBA from Washington University in St. Louis and an MBA from the University of Minnesota. After leaving a career with IBM and then Whole Foods in 2006 to raise her family, she helped co-found Women of Vision Austin in 2010. She is also highly involved in World Vision’s Advocacy efforts – meeting with her legislators, writing letters to the editor, and sharing her experience from her 2012 Vision Trip to Matete, Kenya and 2019 trip to Honduras. Locally, she’s led the WOV Austin chapter’s efforts to support those on the front lines of human trafficking, including coming alongside at-risk youth. In 2014, God led her to launch a Listening Prayer ministry through her church to help individuals and ministries discern God’s will through being still (Psalm 46:10). She has been married to her husband Chris since 2001and they have four children: two sets of boy/girl twins born in 2004 and 2007. She is passionate about John 10:10 fullness of life and the authority we have in the Lord to take dominion over all creation (including our thought lives) in a way that glorifies Him and helps others do the same. She is excited about the Williams Career School of Excellence and The Treasured Protégé and happy to invest in its success for God’s glory!


Brittany is passionate about helping and investing in the youth. Coaching and mentoring the youth is of high importance to her. Currently, Brittany serves in a fulfilling role as an instructor and a coach. She also has a background in  working with local elections coordinating collaborations and assisting candidates with projects and marketing. Brittany is committed to equity and equal opportunities for underserved youth. Brittany is dedicated to lifelong learning and is always eager support purposeful growth in the lives of the youth. 

Diane Perez

Diane Perez has a passion for helping others, she has worked with Cancer Patients who called in for help while she worked at the American Cancer Society. Diane answered calls from Patients and family members that were in crisis and in need of resources, helped in navigating services and provided emotional support and encouragement. Diane’s passion for working with Cancer Patients came from her experience as a full time caregiver for her Father when he had lung cancer. She understood how much cancer affects not only the patient but every family member that loves them.

Diane has 20 + years working with survivors of Domestic Violence. She has provided resources, crisis intervention and safety planning and guidance in navigating services in the work she did at The National Domestic Violence Hotline. In addition, Diane has volunteered with an Organization called Bridges where she went into Texas Prison to provide education on the dynamics and effects of Domestic Violence. Diane also volunteered with an Organization called Chick Time where she helped provide information and education on Teen Dating Violence to help inform, encourage and empower young Women to expect respect in their relationships. Her passion for working with Survivors came from witnessing abuse as a child and witnessing violence around her and the effects it had on extended family members.

Rachel Poole

Rachel is a seasoned HR professional with substantial knowledge of various HR tasks, including onboarding, learning and development, performance management, benefits, leave of absences and FMLA.  Rachel’s strength in the HR industry is Employee Relations and Leadership Development.

Rachel has 10 years of human resources experience in multiple industries such as career technical training, manufacturing, public schools, government agencies and small businesses.

In addition to HR, Rachel’s expertise is working with youth and young adults.  She has 30 years of experience in working for a federally funded Career Technical Training Program (for at-risk youth).  Her experience includes managing student internship programs, managing career technical training programs, building and maintaining business/community partnerships for student job placements, internships and learning opportunities.

Rachel’s vision is to utilize her career technical training program expertise to continue working with youth and young adults as it relates to career/job readiness. 

Career readiness topics include:

  • Effective and Engaging Interviewing Skills
  • Resume Writing
  • Job Search
  • Labor Market Research
  • Social Media Job Platforms

Rachel considers herself a career professional who has the skills to effectively execute her vision and make an impact by ensuring youth are the most equipped for a rewarding and successful career experience.

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